Category Archives: Uncategorized

What has Cameron been up to?

Lots! More than I think I can remember…

Let’s see – words – there are many more now and they are much more clear…

newer words with complete understanding (clear for us) – cracker, cookie, elmo, open, doon (aka down), all done, up, bolt (stuff animal and cartoon character), on, yeah, more, juice, belly button and even willie…

Things that are typical of Cameron:

He has started to understand more – he laughs at all the funny parts of Thomas and Bolt (his two favorite films) and he knows EVERYTHING we say to him. We can ask him to put his shoes on and he will go and get them and ‘ask’ for help putting them on.

He will go to the fridge and ‘ask’ for juice or whatever he might fancy – grapes, cheese etc.

He is still as cheeky as ever – touching things he shouldn’t, laughing and then running away.

He has spent a few times on the ‘naughty step’ at the babysitter’s – he was ‘playing’ with the other kids – well sitting on them!

He likes to colour and can sit and do it for anywhere from 10 seconds to 15 minutes.

He has started counting – he counts 1-5 on his fingers – you have to really listen for the numbers, but 1 and 2 are very clear.

He still likes to play hide and seek and the loves to run anywhere!

And he still pretends to hurt himself, fake cries and comes to you – usually Granny – to get it kissed better.

He is at the doctor’s on Monday, so I will up date all his stats then.


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Posted by on November 17, 2009 in Uncategorized


October fun…

Well it has been a busy few weeks. Cameron has now recovered from his second ear infection.

He has had a lot going on the past few weeks. We had a visit from Stewart, Kate and Emily and Cameron had a ball. He loved running around with Emily and playing with Uncle Stewart. Not to mention kicking Auntie Kate off the couch (it was pretty funny – no one was hurt). As the weekend went on though Cameron ended up with a few minor injuries. He runs everywhere he goes and some times doesn’t see walls, people, chairs etc. All that to say he ran into the wall and is now sporting a nice shiner!

To say that he is a cheecky monkey is an understatement! He is a cheecky wee bee! He loves to do things that he is not meant to (touching Granny’s glass table, Granny’s plants, standing on Granny’s couch etc. ) and then laughing and waiting for someone to ‘get’ him. He loves it!

A few funny things – apart from the Kate couch incident…

He ran into the chair at Granny’s and she kissed his head better…he then went back to the chair and very softly put his head against the chair, fake cried and went to Granny to get another kiss!

He pushes anyone who is infront of the fridge out of the way so he can get at the grapes – he LOVES grapes!

He has figured out that sticking his finger up his nose gets a reaction so he does it all the time!

Emily came out of the back room without a diaper on- Cameron had a little inspection, went back into the back room, got a diaper, brought it to Kate and lead Emily over to her so that she could get her diaper on (Emily that is) it was very cute!

Things that he is doing and saying:

He is eating really well with both a fork and spoon,

He has almost mastered jumping,

He stomps, and turns around in circles (aka dancing)

He can ask for what he wants – usually pointing and a lot of sounds/words,

He knows his animal noises and his body parts,

He has started ‘counting’ – we count to five (on our hand) and then chase him, so now he makes noises (counting) and points out each finger.

He is doing really well and has been enjoying all the Halloween parties he has been at this week (see flickr)

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Posted by on October 30, 2009 in Uncategorized


A few weeks in the life of Cameron Walker

 So, Cameron has finished antibiotics and survi ved his first ear infection. He is back to ‘normal’. His appetite is back and his energy level is back to ‘crazy’! He is doing really well. He has started to ‘sing’ in bed, in the car and when he is walking around the house. Brett got him a guitar, so he plays it every day and is pretty good at understanding how it works as well as what to do with it. Once he figured out NOT to sit on it!

He has started to jump – not always sucessfully. He some times tries to jump but his feet don’t leave the ground! He also loves to dance. He goes around in circles and waves his hands – very cute.

He is repeating everything we say – it might not sound exactly ‘right’ but we know what he is saying.

His vocabulary consists of (that he says all the time and we know what  he is saying) : no, up, on, all done, mama, dada, gumpa (grampa), ball, bottle, ta, Angie, Alex, Duncan, more, i got it, Thomas, Harold, Gordon, Mavis, car, book, cookie, cracker, juice…

We went to the soccer yesterday…Cameron was great. He sat for the first half and then walked up and down in the stands. He was dancing to the chanting from the fans, looking at the pretty ladies and flirting with them and then he ran up and down the pitch a few times – he had a great time.

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Posted by on October 11, 2009 in Uncategorized


Center of attention…

So, Cameron was back to normal at Angie’s this week – no tears, just the usual bye bye mama and he took off to the playroom 🙂

Cameron has been the center of attention all weekend – with Aunt Christine, Aunt Laura, Aunt Carol and Uncle Hugh and Granny and Grampa playing with him all weekend. Cameron has LOVED it.  He has been showing everyone his muscles, showing off his belly button, singing, laughing, dancing, running around everywhere – he had a ball!

Not much else to report really…all is well  –  new photos of flickr.

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Posted by on September 27, 2009 in Uncategorized


Cheeky monkey…

So, Cameron is doing well.  He is still likes going to Angie’s although he has cried 2 days this week when I dropped him off – not going to lie, it was nice to know he didn’t want me to leave 🙂 

I picked him up the other day and Angie was telling me how well he was doing going down the stairs on his belly – wee so and so…he had never gone down the stairs for us. We were trying to get him to do it, but he would just lie down on his belly at the top of the stairs and wait for one of us to get him – and here he is at Angie’s going down them all by himself! Needless to say he is now going down our stairs by himself too!!

I don’t don’t know where the time has gone or what we have been doing…Cameron and I spent the Saturday with Aunt Carol, Uncle Hugh and Laura – we all had a great time together. Cameron loved it – center of attention- he was a was a cheeky monkey! Just his usual self!

Mum came back from Milton on Tuesday and brought with her Cameron’s Hallowe’en costume – see flickr 🙂

Laura is here for another week so we will be spending some more time with her and Aunt Christine and Robert are up this weekend so Cameron will be lovin’ it…

We are all doing well and adapting to life as we know now it!

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Posted by on September 20, 2009 in Uncategorized



Well, we survived my first week back at work and Cameron’s first week at Angie’s.  We knew Cameron was going to be okay, but really he loves going to Angie’s. Every morning he says bye bye mama and he is off to play with the other kid. Friday morning he said bye bye mama and closed the door behind him! Wee begger! And then on Friday afternoon Mum came with me to pick Cameron up, he did his usual shouted Mama and started running towards me then he got a glimpse of Granny and he ran by me to her!

I went to Toronto on the weekend to see the Killers with Aunt Christine. The concert was great and it was great to spend some time with Aunt Christine and Bob. Popped in on the Mackies in Milton and they are all doing well. Emily is getting big and can pull some great faces! She can get very angry and has the cutest angry face!

Cameron hasn’t been himself the last couple of days. He was really clingy the weekend and then Monday night he was up most of it, with a fever. He seems to have the last of his molars coming in. He was better today and almost back to ‘normal’.

Not much planned for the rest of the week or the weekend. Cameron starts swimming lessons on Saturday – Grampa is taking him- and then we are going to watch Carleton’s first home games.

So, all is well…check out new flickr photos!

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Posted by on September 9, 2009 in Uncategorized


Cameron’s new adventures (our’s too!)

So, it all starts tomorrow – I am back at school (no kids till Tuesday) and Cameron is at Angie’s (our caregiver).
Cameron went to Angie’s on Wednesday, with me, and LOVED it. He played outside with the other kids (3 boys and 1 girl). He didn’t want to leave. Then he spend the whole day on Thursday at Angie’s while I went to work – should mention that Brett is at work during the day too 🙂 -. He had a great day with Angie. He left me at the door, said bye bye and ran off to play with the other kids. We picked him up in the afternoon and we were both really pleased that he smiled when he saw us, ran up to us and gave us both a kiss and a cuddle!
Cameron is doing really well – he is running around all over the place. He gives kisses and cuddles to us quite often. He flirts with any lady he can! He plays well with his toys – building blocks, trains etc. He likes to read his books, and he has started to ‘colour’ a bit. He is ‘talking’ more and more each day. – okay, more, night night, grampa, thank you, up, mama, dada, all gone and …..NO! He has started to ‘sing’ and still loves to dance!
Our new favourite thing that he does – he shows us his muscles!we will keep everyone posted on the adventures of Master Walker…

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Posted by on August 30, 2009 in Uncategorized


15 month check up and the silliness that is Cameron Walker

Cameron is doing really well. He had his 15 month check up yesterday – everything is very good – he is doing really well. He has grown 6cm (2.5 inches) since May he is now 84cm or 33inches. He has put on 1lbs and now weighs in at 27lbs. He looks great – the doctor’s words not mine….
What has Master Walker been up to….

He has learned to say yummy and rub his tummy – Aunt Myret taught him this.

He says all done – quite clearly- and raises his hands up in the air when he is finished his meal or snack.

He is saying mama, dada, up, and bye bye very clearly. He knows to wave bye bye and say bye bye when he is leaving or if someone else is leaving.

He has started saying grampa – it is super clear, but you can make it out. Grampa has been taking Cameron to his swimming lessons so Cameron stands at the front door waiting for Grampa and says Grampa – over and over and over and over!

He says Ta – thankyou – when we ask him….

He has started to ‘repeat’ what we are saying – apple, water, bottle, gordon, james, mavis, edward (thomas trains) – you can make them out but they aren’t really clear yet….

He still loves to dance and has got a few new moves – bum wiggles, and he bends at the knees.

He has started to climb – he climbs everywhere – his picnic table, the couch, the bed, anywhere and everywhere.

He shows his muscles – groans and puts his arms over his head like he is posing.

He has developed his animal noises – he does sheep, horses, cows and the newest snorting like a pig. He also recognized each of the animals.
He sings la, la, la when Elmo’s World comes on.

He has been swimming this last week and he has taken to the water with no problems

He loves to show off his bellly button – and his belly.

He loves to hug and give kisses – he kisses himself when he looks in the mirror – our mirrors are fithy!

His new thing is to hug the parent who is not taking him to bed at night – we figure his plan is to hug that parent in the hope that noone will take him to bed.

Now the funniest things so far…When you ask Cameron what Granny says – he wiggles his index finger and says no, no, no!

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Posted by on August 21, 2009 in Uncategorized


Crosby Pig Roast 2009

Cameron enjoyed his first Crosby Pig Roast… He enjoyed every moment – all of them right up to 1:22 am!
He loved the Crosby’s dog Rudy and spent most of his day chasing him.
Cameron was a star – absolutely no problem and enjoyed meeting EVERYONE!

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Posted by on August 12, 2009 in Uncategorized


Summer fun…

Cameron enjoyed every moment Craig and Ashleigh were here. We had a really nice visit with them and a good laugh. The last good weather we had was while they were here, since then we have had rain every day!

Unfortunately Cameron was sick last week. He was teething so we assumed the high temperature was related to that, but we later found out, when he came out in a rash, that he had roseola (a virus that most kids get once). He hadn’t been sleeping well at night – which we are not used to- and he wasn’t eating as well as usual. That was last week, he’s back to normal now!

Cameron and I went to my friend Jen’s on Friday (she was up visiting her parents). We met up with her and her 3 girls (Emma and Leah 5 and Claire 2.5) and my other friend from high school Katy was there with her 2 girls  Cameron had a blast. He was running around like crazy and loving every moment with all the other kids – not sure if the fact they were all little ladies? 😉 Anyway, Cameron was having tons of fun with Emma and Leah – priceless moment- Cameron emerged from the living room with silver and gold beads around his neck – too cute!

What else is Cameron up to…’talking’. He knows that the sheep says bah and the horse says nay..he knows where his belly button is , his teeth, his toes and his nose. He still loves to dance, but hasn’t developed any new moves. He can get up the stairs in no time. He knows how to climb up on the futon and can get back down. He has figured out how to turn on the lamp beside the futon downstairs.  He still takes naps (1 second on a pillow). He brushes his teeth when we brush ours. He has figured out how to get the toilet paper of the roll!   All in all he is doing great.

Aunt Myret and Phil (Stewart’s friend) arrive tomorrow so no doubt there will be lots more to add for next update.

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Posted by on July 26, 2009 in Uncategorized