Christmas and the New Year

Well, Christmas was lots of fun this year. Christine and Bob came down on Christmas Eve…Cameron was very excited about Santa coming with his Big Finn McMissile and his Race Track! He also made sure that Santa remembered to bring Hailey her Activity table! Cameron was also very happy that Santa ate the Empire biscuit and drank the milk that Cameron left him 🙂
The funny thing Christmas morning, we were all up waiting for Cameron to wake up! Once he did, it was non-stop ALL day!

We spent the day playing with Finn McMissile, driving to Toronto (new steering wheel from Aunt Myret) and watching cars go around and around the race track!

Stewart, Kate, Emily and William came down on the 28th and then the “real fun” began! Cameron and Emily had a ball together! They played really well together and both LOVED the remote control cars they gave each other! Hailey and William “played” well together too 🙂

Happy New Year! Can’t wait to see what 2012 has in store for us!

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Posted by on January 1, 2012 in Uncategorized


September we went to England and spent 2 weeks in Penkridge with Brett’s family. It was great for everyone to meet Cameron and Hailey and we all had a great time. We took Cameron to Thomas Land – Gemma and him had a blast! Actually, so did the rest of us – I think Emma was just as excited to go on Cranky the Crane as Gemma was! 🙂

October we didn’t get up to too much. We went and watched Carleton win a few, but not the crucial one! Cameron was happy to watch Bud’s team…

We also went to Milton for a visit with the Milton Mackie Clan. It was a great long weekend – Cameron and Emily had a great time and we all had a good laugh.

November, wasn’t too busy a month. We didn’t do too much. And then here we are in December!

Cameron and Hailey went to see Santa
Cameron made sure that Santa knew he wanted a BIG Finn McMissile 🙂 and he made sure that Hailey was going to get her table (an activity table)…

Hailey had her 6 month check up – she is doing really well. Grown 5cm, now 69.5cm and has put on 3lbs, now 18.5 lbs… She is strong, happy and healthy 🙂 She is rolling over onto her tummy and has been for a month or so, she can’t roll back yet, but she’s getting there 🙂 She is sitting up, kinda, she’s not there yet…She is VERY nosey and noisy!

Cameron is doing really well – he is a real character! He likes to boss everyone when he plays, he NEVER stops moving or talking. He still loves his trains and his cars. He is a great big brother – he likes to talk to Hailey, give her kisses and hugs and he likes to tell her everything he is doing 🙂

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Posted by on December 13, 2011 in Uncategorized


Family get together – Hailey 2 months old…

It has been a few busy weeks 🙂

John, Andrena, Al, Callum, Carys, Aidan, Amanda, Billy and Uncle Doug were here (end of June for 10 days or so) and it was crazy fun! It was super busy, but great to see everyone. Stewart, Kate, Emily and William came down to Ottawa (again) and Ryan and Jess were with us all too, so it was great. We were only missing Laura and Kevin 😦 – next time! 🙂

The kids had a GREAT time… Carys was Cameron and Emily’s favourite! Aidan and Cameron also had a great time playing with the Thomas trains and running around after each other. Ryan and Jess hosted a great afternoon with a washer tournament. John, Al and Billy played (none of them one the “real” tournament) and they all did really well 🙂 It was a great afternoon and the kids had a blast.

Through all the chaos I didn’t manage to take any good photos…

2 month check up
weight – 12lbs 8oz
height – 58.5cm
head circumference – 39.5cm

Hailey is doing great. She is awake a lot more during the day and is sleeping through the night -YAY! She is smiling and at times giggles.

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Posted by on August 12, 2011 in Uncategorized


Hailey 1 month (a bit late as she is now 5 weeks 2 days.)

We had an appointment on July 12th – Hailey’s actual due date – and Hailey is is doing VERY well. The doctor is pleased with her progress. So, since the last time we were at the doctor’s (June 29th) Hailey has grown 0.5 cm – she’s now 56 cm in length. Her head has grown 0.5cm – it’s circumference is now 37cm. And her belly has grown…She has put on 1.5 lbs – she now weighs 10lbs 5oz…
Having looked back at Cameron’s 1 month update it would seem that his “little” is taller than him, has a bigger head and is very close to having the same size belly!

Here is Cameron at 4 weeks in the same chair 🙂

Everything is going well and we are just to keep doing what we are doing because Hailey is doing great.

Things that Hailey has started to do:

She is following sounds / voices,

She has always made a lot of noise, but now she is making new noises and it is as if she is ‘speaking’ to us,

She stretches non stop, and groans and grunts when doing it!,

and she is awake a lot more nowadays.

All is very good – Hailey is doing well – eating well, sleeping well, peeing and pooing well, and seems content 🙂

Cameron has adjusted to having a little sister – he likes to talk to her, tickle her, sit beside her, show her his toys and loves that her eyes are open more now and that she looks at him!

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Posted by on July 16, 2011 in Uncategorized


Hailey and Cameron – what they’ve been up to…

Things are going well. Cameron is having a few issues adjusting to Hailey – he’s fine as long as she is in her bassinet 🙂 He does not like me nursing her, so I have had to resort to locking myself in our bedroom to nurse her 🙂
He speaks to her and likes to tickle her ears, feet and hands. All in all he is doing really well. He has been a great little helper – getting diapers, wipes, helping make supper, and just being a good boy. He continues to use the potty for pees so we are very proud of him!

Cameron relaxing with a wee cup of tea, after a long day 🙂

Hailey is doing really well. She is feeding every 3 hours – she is waking and letting us know! She is a very good eater – nursing well, and still being supplemented with formula until her weight gain is a bit more – she is still below her birth weight. The doctor isn’t worried, but we have another appointment next week to monitor her. I think because she doesn’t look like a preemie, we forget that she was almost 5 weeks early. So, the doctor said yesterday that she likes to follow preemies more closely…
Hailey is a very laid back baby, like Cameron, she doesn’t really fuss for anything. As long as her tummy is full and she doesn’t have gas she is quite happy.

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Posted by on June 22, 2011 in Uncategorized


Hailey Walker – June 9th, 2011

Hailey was born Thursday, June 9th at 23:43 at 35 weeks and 3 days, after a very long day of “induction”.
We left the hospital on Sunday and we were welcomed home by Big Brother Cameron, Granin, Aunt Christine, Bud and Daddy. Hailey is a good baby – she cries when she wants fed, and when she wants fed she wants fed straight away! There is no messing about! She is feeding really well – now that my milk has ‘arrived’ she is feeding well at the breast, but we are still supplementing with some formula (which is what the doctor had told us to do because Hailey was a bit jaundice) She is nursing / feeding every 3 hours or so… She sleeps well, and is awake quite a bit during the day.

Cameron has been great – he was very proud to introduce his little sister to his friends at daycare and he was very happy when everyone told him how lucky he was and what a pretty sister he had. He talks to Hailey and likes to play with her ears 🙂 He has been very good. The only issue we have had really is his complete disgust of her umbilical cord! We can’t changer Hailey in front of him – he has seen it twice and has been sick twice!!!

Cameron all ready to ride his bike to Robyn’s (our wonderful caregiver) and share his news of being a big brother.

Other big news – Cameron is using the potty! Well the toilet actually 🙂 He has been very good and doing really well even with all the changes going on and the chaos around him 🙂

Everything has been good so far – we have had lots of help with Aunt Christine and Mum staying with us and Uncle Stewart coming down to be here for before Hailey’s arrival.

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Posted by on June 16, 2011 in Uncategorized


So, Cameron had his 3 year old check up today. It went very well. He was very good and did everything that the doctor asked him to do.
He is a big boy, was the nurse’s and the doctor’s comment – so, Cameron weighed in at 46 lbs (in the 97th percentile) and he measured 103 cm (3 foot 4 inches – again in the 97th percentile). Everything else was good – our only struggle now is to get him toilette trained – we are getting there, but man, it isn’t easy!

Here are a few photos from yesterday…

The rest I will post on FLICKR 🙂

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Posted by on May 6, 2011 in Uncategorized


Happy Birthday Cameron!

Well, we can’t believe it has been 3 years since our lives changed forever 🙂
We had a wee birthday bash for Cameron – with Bud, Granin, Bob and Christine.
Cameron had a ball and was spoiled rotten 🙂
He has his yearly check up tomorrow so I will post all the details tomorrow along with some of the photos from tonight.

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Posted by on May 5, 2011 in Uncategorized


Visit to Milton – March 2010 – Welcome William :-)

Cameron and I headed down to Milton on Monday to meet William Alexander Mackie (born March 3rd – 8lbs 6oz).

William is a happy little guy who is very alert and so easy going. Cameron was very happy to meet his little cousing and even sang him a wee tune…

Cameron and Emily had a blast playing together – there were a few spats here and there, but all in all a very fun visit for them. It was quite funny watching to very bossy toddlers play together. It wasn’t just the kids having fun either – there were a few adults sliding down the slide at the park too 🙂 !

Cameron had loads of fun in Streetsville too – doing all the things he is normally not allowed to do 😉

Baby walker #2 is doing well…she is moving more and more each day and my baby belly is getting bigger and bigger. Brett painted her room while we were away, now we just have to get the crib up and organize her room… Cameron is aware that there is a baby in my tummy and he knows it is a girl, but that is about as far as we have gotten with the whole baby sister thing…

Posted photos on flickr….

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Posted by on March 19, 2011 in Uncategorized


2011 – 6 months since my last post! YIKES!

Well, I can not believe that I have not posted since the summer- I am a terrible blogger!
So, there is so much to write about…

The summer…
it was busy and hot. Cameron loved spending time in the pool (behind the Y near Carlingwood) and in our little pool in the back garden. We went to the Crosby’s annual Pig Roast, and he had a ball. He escaped from the bedroom during his nap and was found hanging out with the boys at the back of the house! He loved playing with Rudy, the dog, and running around like crazy. It was a great day!

The fall…
brought Carleton Soccer season. Cameron went to almost every home game and he liked it. He spent most of the time running up and down beside the field, and at times would shout – Go RAISINS GO! (Ravens never sounded right)…He would see Bud at half time and at the end of each game run all over the park and kick the ball around a bit with Bud…
Cameron started at a new caregivers – Robyn – who is great. He transitioned really well and is doing really well. Robyn lives one street over so it is really close and Cameron is meeting other kids he will hopefully go to school with…
Swimming lessons with Bud – went well – he seems to like being in the water and especially going for a cookie and juice with Bud after the lesson!

The winter…
we’re still in winter, but it seems to have been very long! Cameron likes the snow, but not the cold…He helps Brett shovel the driveway and he likes to be pulled in his sled! Christmas was great – Cameron got spoiled rotten…he loved spending time with everyone and all the attention…

Cameron is talking all the time often saying things that are both funny and cheecky! He loves to dance, he loves to sing and he loves to boss everyone around! He still likes Thomas and likes Cars too. He likes to draw and right now he likes pretending to be a puppy! He is a very loving boy – we get lots of hugs and kisses and he has started to tell us that he loves us – very cute – but he also tells his bed that he loves it along with all his toys so…

Wil try my best to keep on top of my blogs….


Posted by on January 19, 2011 in Uncategorized