Category Archives: Uncategorized

A few busy weeks since our last post…

Well, summer is flying by… Cameron is having a great time, as are Brett and I.
We’ve been up to quite a bit – the museum of civilization, the park, cosmic adventure, granny and bud’s, downtown (the changing of the guards) – lots of stuff.

Cameron is doing really well – in his big boy bed every night and for naps – the crib is gone. He is talking ALL the time and we are understanding a lot more of it…

Music class is going well – he has started to dance and “sing” and he LOVES gymnastics – I am knackard at the end of the class from running after him πŸ™‚

Cameron and I went to one of my friends places for a house warming party (Brett got his wisdom teeth pulled on Friday so he was home in bed) and Cameron had a ball. Like any time he is outside, he ran around like crazy, played in the pool, chased Melissa’s two cats, played with the other kids and had a fantastic time. He fell asleep minutes after leaving her house – it was a great afternoon.

Not much planned for this week – Brett is off, so we will see how he is feeling and then decide what we are going to do….

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Posted by on July 25, 2010 in Uncategorized


Another busy weekend..

Cameron has a had a busy couple of days…

Thursday he had his first gymnastics class – it went really well. A bit like his music, he just kinda watched what was going on and eventually he joined in. He didn’t have any interest in the warm up part of the class, but was more than happy to run around, jump on the trampolines, go on the bars, crawl through hoola hoops- he had a great time.

Friday Cameron had his follow up appointment with the doctor – he is fine. Then we went and did a bit of shopping – nothing exciting – diapers, a pair of shorts for Brett and I think that was it!

Yesterday, Cameron and I went to the farm – it is just about 5 minutes away from home – it is a little family run farm, but it was a great time. There weren’t lots of animals, but enough that Cameron was able to “talk” to different animals – hello piggy, and cow, and goat and duck and sheep (baa). Cameron was more interested in the tractors, trucks and play structures. It was a really nice time and I will go back again – they do special events during the summer and fall.

We are not long in, Cameron and I went to the park this morning, at 10am, and we just got back about 2:30! He had blast! We played in the sand for a little bit – he really only wanted to go in the pool – I now know to only arrive at the park once the pool is full, otherwise it is a bit of a nightmare convincing Cameron that we will go into the water later, when it’s ready!)

He played with a few other kids, “swam” up and down the pool – I should mention that it is a baby pool, the water goes up to about my mid calf – and he LOVED every minute. He fell asleep on the way home and is fast asleep as I type!

Not too sure what we are up to this week – the park is having a special event on Tuesday (Buzz Lightyear) so I think we will be going to that. Wednesday is music, Thursday is gymnastics, Sunday we are going to a Truck show (he will able to sit on them and climb on them – should be fun) and who knows what else we’ll get up to!

He has slept in his big boy bed all this week and we have had no problems with him getting up or “escaping”. Think the crib will be making its exit from the room very soon πŸ™‚

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Posted by on July 11, 2010 in Uncategorized


A busy boy…

Yesterday didn’t start well – the car battery was dead (interior light was left on all night) – but once everything got going, it was a great day.
Cameron and I went down to Granny and Bud’s. It was crazy hot here yesterday, as it is today, (over +40 and really humid) so we spent the day in yesterday. Cameron helped Granny try on her new blouse…

Uncle (aka Stewart), Bob and Stewart’s friend Shaun arrived last night for today’s golf tournament. Cameron had a ball! He sat with the boys while they did the BBQ. They had their Stella (Light for some of them lol) and Cameron had his sippy cup with apple juice – it was really cute. He followed Uncle around everywhere he went. When Uncle wasn’t around he played with Bob – he had blast with Bob! Bob is determined to get Cameron saying Rangers, but Cameron’s having none of it! Granny let Cameron have a few chocolate cookies and a Java Cake, result – Cameron was running around like crazy! After a fun filled evening with the boys we got home and again Cameron decided to sleep in his big boy bed and fell asleep straight away and did get out of bed until this morning πŸ™‚

We had music class this morning. Cameron wasn’t too sure about it at the beginning. He sat by himself at the back of the room, and pretended to be sad and cry a couple of times. I just left him, figuring that he would come around and join in when he was ready. And as soon as all the instruments came out, he was there! He took part, danced a little bit, played a few instruments and loved the parachute! Hopefully next week will have a better start…

And then because it is so hot out, I decided to take Cameron to Cosmic Adventure. It was great! Not too busy, but just enough kids that Cameron could ‘play’ with a few other boys. They were following each other around and running everywhere. He ran around for over 2hrs and fell asleep in the car on the way home – perfect πŸ™‚

Gymnastics tomorrow!

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Posted by on July 7, 2010 in Uncategorized


Visit with Granny and Bud and a day in the sun with Mum and Dad

Cameron spent the afternoon with Granny and Bud on Saturday. He went to the park, helped Bud BBQ, water the plants and he played with his trains πŸ™‚ Brett and I went out for dinner and to the pictures – it was a nice night.

Yesterday Cameron and I went to visit one of my friends, Caroline. Cameron had a ball and did not want to leave… Caroline has a lovely black lab and Cameron was playing catch with it. We didn’t do much in the afternoon, but the big news was at bedtime…Cameron asked to sleep in his big boy bed! He went in, put the blanket on himself and that was it! It took him about 20mins or so to fall asleep, but he stayed in the bed and fell asleep all by himself. He slept straight through and came in to get me in the morning! We’ll see if it was a one off or if it happens again tonight!

He has also decided that he doesn’t need to sit in a booster seat at the dinner table – so he doesn’t and it works well. He stays in his chair, easts with us and asks to get down when he is finished. Brett and I sometimes feel like he knows more than us!

We spent the day in the sun today. It was really hot today, so we blew up the little pool we got Cameron (Brett and I can sit in it too) and we all spent the afternoon in the water playing! It was great.

Cameron has a doctor’s appointment tomorrow – just to make sure everything is alright after him having that stomach bug thing…then we will spend the afternoon at the park (maybe depending on the weather) and then we are going to Granny and Bud’s for a BBQ because Bob and Uncle Stewart (and Stewart’s friend Shaun) are up for a golf tournament on Wednesday.


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Posted by on July 5, 2010 in Uncategorized


Fun at the park…

So, Cameron and I spent the day yesterday at the park. He had a ball. We went to the park near my mum and dad’s (Stewart and I used to go there when we were kids). It’s a great park – 2 different play structures, swings and a pool. We arrived at 10 and played in the park for a few hours. Cameron must have run at least 1km! He ran around the baseball diamond at least 3 times – we were flying his Buzz Lightyear kite – and then he must have run the length of the park at least 3 times! All the time me trying to chase him down!
We headed over to the pool. He had a great time, although wasn’t too happy when he had to get out for chlorine time – he also wasn’t too happy when we had to leave to go home!
Cameron loves to be outside – hopefully we will be getting our fence done sometime in the next 2 weeks – we can’t wait….
Didn’t get a chance to take any photos as I was too busy running around after him, but will get some next time we go πŸ™‚
Cameron is at Granny and Bud’s this afternoon and tonight so Brett and I are off out for dinner and a movie….

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Posted by on July 3, 2010 in Uncategorized


Canada Day 2010

It has been a while since my last post…I plan on getting back to posting – promise πŸ™‚

Cameron is doing well. He had a bit of a tummy thing for a couple of weeks – let’s just put it this way, there were a lot of diaper changes happening!

He continues to keep us very busy. He NEVER stops! He is talking a lot more and we are understanding a lot more too!

He is a little actor or cracker as some might say. He has started pretending to fall down the stairs -he goes down all the stairs no problem, gets to the bottom steps, sits down on it and then very carefully lies down on the floor – once there he pretends to cry! He calls on granny or mummy, we ask if he fell, he says yeah, we ask if he needs a kiss better, he says yeah, you get to him and he gets up and runs away (he does this more to granny than me!) he thinks it is great!

What else…everything is MINE…he is very good at sharing, but thinks everything is his…he doesn’t grab (too often) but he likes to let you know that what you have is his!

His napping is not as good as it once was. We are trying no nap in the day and early to bed – this of course means early to rise, but it is what it is!

He had a great day today with me and Bud (aka Grandpa) at Andrew Hayden Park – Canada Day Celebrations-

Not much else to report right now…oh we are trying to get Cameron into the “big boy bed” Attempt #1 yesterday was not successful, but we will persevere…

Looking forward to a fun filled summer – Cameron is registered for gymnastics and music lessons throughout the summer so I am sure I will have lots of stories and photos!

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Posted by on July 1, 2010 in Uncategorized


Oh dear…the twos are here with signs of a little temper….

So, really Cameron is still doing really well, and for the most part he is a great wee boy, but man there are moments when he’s not so wonderful!!! I know I was a cheeky wee bee (or so I am told – not that I believe it) so I guess it is coming back to haunt me!
He is absolutely obsessed with ToyStory – especially Buzz – he loves to wear his Buzz tops and pjs, so much so that he gets upset when he has to take them off….It is kinda cute, but somewhat trying in the mornings!
He is talking a lot more and he is put sentences together…
Not much else is new, just thought I should document the loveliness that are Cameron’s trying moments πŸ™‚

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Posted by on June 8, 2010 in Uncategorized


Where has the time gone

I can’t believe how long it has been since my last post.

March – we moved house, not far from where we were, but closer to lots of things and a brand new house. the move went well, although there were many ‘hiccups’ along the way, but things are good now…
Robert finished the basement for us so we now spend all our time down there – especially with the 42 degree weather we are having right now.

April – Emily’s birthday .
We went to Milton to celebrate Emily’s birthday – Cameron and Emily had a great time together…it was a fun filled weekend.

May – Cameron’s birthday and Mum and Dad’s 40th wedding anniversary. We hosted parties for both – the same weekend. It was busy, but great. Cameron had a ball, and he and Emily have really started playing together – very cute. Mum and Dad were completely surprised with their party – another great day.

Cameron is doing well. Just got over another ear infection! He has definitely become a terrible two toddler! He’s not that bad, but he has started to ‘test’ us. No is his favorite word! and there have been many tantrums too!

He has started saying much more that we can understand, and he is starting to put sentences together. He can say Granny and calls Grampa Bud…very cute…
stewart is uncle
kate is a variation of kate
emily is emily
christine is different every time
dada is sometime brett, and sometimes dad, but mostly dada
i’m mama, and sometimes mum – he tries gillian,but it just gets muddled up
he can count to 2 and then from 5 up to 10 – refuses to do 3 or 4
He is a lot of fun and loves to play with everyone.

Had his check up a few weeks ago – 3feet1 – off the charts for his height. 32lbs – just above average for weight. He is happy and healthy so we are doing something right.

have kept up to date with photos….

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Posted by on May 26, 2010 in Uncategorized


the new year

it has been ages since my last post…a lot has happened in the past month….well not a lot really, just be really busy.

Cameron was sick – bronchitis – out for 2 weeks. He has only just started going back to the sitters. Mum and Dad were great – they took care of Cameron days that Brett and I couldn’t. Glad to report that Cameron is back to normal now…

Had a visit from cousin John last week – great suprise. Cousin Ryan visited too – it was great to see both of them and Cameron loved every minute!

Alll for now – should be working…report more later…

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Posted by on February 2, 2010 in Uncategorized


Christmas 2009

It has been a while since our last post…everything is good, just busy!

Cameron is doing really well. He has grown again – not sure how much, just know that trousers that fit him 2 weeks ago are too short for him this week!

His language continues to imporve every day….He adds to his list of words every day. He is as cheecky as ever and enjoying every minute of the holidays.

Aunt Christine and Bob (Cameron’s new favourite word) came up Christmas Eve – we all went to visit Carol and Hugh (been told to stop saying Aunt and Uncle – makes Hugh feel old!) – we had a great visit and Cameron had a great time showing off!Β  Christmas Day was great – we had a not too early start – 7am – Brett and I were up first then Cameron! We were at Mum and Dad’s…Cameron played Santa and did a great job. He was spoiled by everyone. He loved his new cars and had a great day his family. We went out for dinner and he was great.

Stewart, Kate and Emily come up on Saturday – we went down to Mum and Dad’s on Sunday and the chaos began!Β  Emily and Cameron had a great time together…they went crazy on more than one occaison! Cameron spent most of his time following Uncle Stewart around …. It was fun watching them play together and get along – most of the time. Emily is able to say Cameron so she was shouting for him when she wanted him to play with her. Cameron doesn’t quite have the full name down right now – Emily isΒ  Em. They were both very cute together…. We will be celebrating British New Year’s – more to report then!


Posted by on December 30, 2009 in Uncategorized