13 Dec

September we went to England and spent 2 weeks in Penkridge with Brett’s family. It was great for everyone to meet Cameron and Hailey and we all had a great time. We took Cameron to Thomas Land – Gemma and him had a blast! Actually, so did the rest of us – I think Emma was just as excited to go on Cranky the Crane as Gemma was! 🙂

October we didn’t get up to too much. We went and watched Carleton win a few, but not the crucial one! Cameron was happy to watch Bud’s team…

We also went to Milton for a visit with the Milton Mackie Clan. It was a great long weekend – Cameron and Emily had a great time and we all had a good laugh.

November, wasn’t too busy a month. We didn’t do too much. And then here we are in December!

Cameron and Hailey went to see Santa
Cameron made sure that Santa knew he wanted a BIG Finn McMissile 🙂 and he made sure that Hailey was going to get her table (an activity table)…

Hailey had her 6 month check up – she is doing really well. Grown 5cm, now 69.5cm and has put on 3lbs, now 18.5 lbs… She is strong, happy and healthy 🙂 She is rolling over onto her tummy and has been for a month or so, she can’t roll back yet, but she’s getting there 🙂 She is sitting up, kinda, she’s not there yet…She is VERY nosey and noisy!

Cameron is doing really well – he is a real character! He likes to boss everyone when he plays, he NEVER stops moving or talking. He still loves his trains and his cars. He is a great big brother – he likes to talk to Hailey, give her kisses and hugs and he likes to tell her everything he is doing 🙂

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Posted by on December 13, 2011 in Uncategorized


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