Monthly Archives: August 2011

Family get together – Hailey 2 months old…

It has been a few busy weeks 🙂

John, Andrena, Al, Callum, Carys, Aidan, Amanda, Billy and Uncle Doug were here (end of June for 10 days or so) and it was crazy fun! It was super busy, but great to see everyone. Stewart, Kate, Emily and William came down to Ottawa (again) and Ryan and Jess were with us all too, so it was great. We were only missing Laura and Kevin 😦 – next time! 🙂

The kids had a GREAT time… Carys was Cameron and Emily’s favourite! Aidan and Cameron also had a great time playing with the Thomas trains and running around after each other. Ryan and Jess hosted a great afternoon with a washer tournament. John, Al and Billy played (none of them one the “real” tournament) and they all did really well 🙂 It was a great afternoon and the kids had a blast.

Through all the chaos I didn’t manage to take any good photos…

2 month check up
weight – 12lbs 8oz
height – 58.5cm
head circumference – 39.5cm

Hailey is doing great. She is awake a lot more during the day and is sleeping through the night -YAY! She is smiling and at times giggles.

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Posted by on August 12, 2011 in Uncategorized