Hailey 1 month (a bit late as she is now 5 weeks 2 days.)

16 Jul

We had an appointment on July 12th – Hailey’s actual due date – and Hailey is is doing VERY well. The doctor is pleased with her progress. So, since the last time we were at the doctor’s (June 29th) Hailey has grown 0.5 cm – she’s now 56 cm in length. Her head has grown 0.5cm – it’s circumference is now 37cm. And her belly has grown…She has put on 1.5 lbs – she now weighs 10lbs 5oz…
Having looked back at Cameron’s 1 month update it would seem that his “little” is taller than him, has a bigger head and is very close to having the same size belly!

Here is Cameron at 4 weeks in the same chair 🙂

Everything is going well and we are just to keep doing what we are doing because Hailey is doing great.

Things that Hailey has started to do:

She is following sounds / voices,

She has always made a lot of noise, but now she is making new noises and it is as if she is ‘speaking’ to us,

She stretches non stop, and groans and grunts when doing it!,

and she is awake a lot more nowadays.

All is very good – Hailey is doing well – eating well, sleeping well, peeing and pooing well, and seems content 🙂

Cameron has adjusted to having a little sister – he likes to talk to her, tickle her, sit beside her, show her his toys and loves that her eyes are open more now and that she looks at him!

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Posted by on July 16, 2011 in Uncategorized


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