Daily Archives: June 22, 2011

Hailey and Cameron – what they’ve been up to…

Things are going well. Cameron is having a few issues adjusting to Hailey – he’s fine as long as she is in her bassinet 🙂 He does not like me nursing her, so I have had to resort to locking myself in our bedroom to nurse her 🙂
He speaks to her and likes to tickle her ears, feet and hands. All in all he is doing really well. He has been a great little helper – getting diapers, wipes, helping make supper, and just being a good boy. He continues to use the potty for pees so we are very proud of him!

Cameron relaxing with a wee cup of tea, after a long day 🙂

Hailey is doing really well. She is feeding every 3 hours – she is waking and letting us know! She is a very good eater – nursing well, and still being supplemented with formula until her weight gain is a bit more – she is still below her birth weight. The doctor isn’t worried, but we have another appointment next week to monitor her. I think because she doesn’t look like a preemie, we forget that she was almost 5 weeks early. So, the doctor said yesterday that she likes to follow preemies more closely…
Hailey is a very laid back baby, like Cameron, she doesn’t really fuss for anything. As long as her tummy is full and she doesn’t have gas she is quite happy.

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Posted by on June 22, 2011 in Uncategorized