Hailey Walker – June 9th, 2011

16 Jun

Hailey was born Thursday, June 9th at 23:43 at 35 weeks and 3 days, after a very long day of “induction”.
We left the hospital on Sunday and we were welcomed home by Big Brother Cameron, Granin, Aunt Christine, Bud and Daddy. Hailey is a good baby – she cries when she wants fed, and when she wants fed she wants fed straight away! There is no messing about! She is feeding really well – now that my milk has ‘arrived’ she is feeding well at the breast, but we are still supplementing with some formula (which is what the doctor had told us to do because Hailey was a bit jaundice) She is nursing / feeding every 3 hours or so… She sleeps well, and is awake quite a bit during the day.

Cameron has been great – he was very proud to introduce his little sister to his friends at daycare and he was very happy when everyone told him how lucky he was and what a pretty sister he had. He talks to Hailey and likes to play with her ears ๐Ÿ™‚ He has been very good. The only issue we have had really is his complete disgust of her umbilical cord! We can’t changer Hailey in front of him – he has seen it twice and has been sick twice!!!

Cameron all ready to ride his bike to Robyn’s (our wonderful caregiver) and share his news of being a big brother.

Other big news – Cameron is using the potty! Well the toilet actually ๐Ÿ™‚ He has been very good and doing really well even with all the changes going on and the chaos around him ๐Ÿ™‚

Everything has been good so far – we have had lots of help with Aunt Christine and Mum staying with us and Uncle Stewart coming down to be here for before Hailey’s arrival.

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Posted by on June 16, 2011 in Uncategorized


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