A few busy weeks since our last post…

25 Jul

Well, summer is flying by… Cameron is having a great time, as are Brett and I.
We’ve been up to quite a bit – the museum of civilization, the park, cosmic adventure, granny and bud’s, downtown (the changing of the guards) – lots of stuff.

Cameron is doing really well – in his big boy bed every night and for naps – the crib is gone. He is talking ALL the time and we are understanding a lot more of it…

Music class is going well – he has started to dance and “sing” and he LOVES gymnastics – I am knackard at the end of the class from running after him 🙂

Cameron and I went to one of my friends places for a house warming party (Brett got his wisdom teeth pulled on Friday so he was home in bed) and Cameron had a ball. Like any time he is outside, he ran around like crazy, played in the pool, chased Melissa’s two cats, played with the other kids and had a fantastic time. He fell asleep minutes after leaving her house – it was a great afternoon.

Not much planned for this week – Brett is off, so we will see how he is feeling and then decide what we are going to do….

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Posted by on July 25, 2010 in Uncategorized


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