Another busy weekend..

11 Jul

Cameron has a had a busy couple of days…

Thursday he had his first gymnastics class – it went really well. A bit like his music, he just kinda watched what was going on and eventually he joined in. He didn’t have any interest in the warm up part of the class, but was more than happy to run around, jump on the trampolines, go on the bars, crawl through hoola hoops- he had a great time.

Friday Cameron had his follow up appointment with the doctor – he is fine. Then we went and did a bit of shopping – nothing exciting – diapers, a pair of shorts for Brett and I think that was it!

Yesterday, Cameron and I went to the farm – it is just about 5 minutes away from home – it is a little family run farm, but it was a great time. There weren’t lots of animals, but enough that Cameron was able to “talk” to different animals – hello piggy, and cow, and goat and duck and sheep (baa). Cameron was more interested in the tractors, trucks and play structures. It was a really nice time and I will go back again – they do special events during the summer and fall.

We are not long in, Cameron and I went to the park this morning, at 10am, and we just got back about 2:30! He had blast! We played in the sand for a little bit – he really only wanted to go in the pool – I now know to only arrive at the park once the pool is full, otherwise it is a bit of a nightmare convincing Cameron that we will go into the water later, when it’s ready!)

He played with a few other kids, “swam” up and down the pool – I should mention that it is a baby pool, the water goes up to about my mid calf – and he LOVED every minute. He fell asleep on the way home and is fast asleep as I type!

Not too sure what we are up to this week – the park is having a special event on Tuesday (Buzz Lightyear) so I think we will be going to that. Wednesday is music, Thursday is gymnastics, Sunday we are going to a Truck show (he will able to sit on them and climb on them – should be fun) and who knows what else we’ll get up to!

He has slept in his big boy bed all this week and we have had no problems with him getting up or “escaping”. Think the crib will be making its exit from the room very soon 🙂

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Posted by on July 11, 2010 in Uncategorized


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