Visit with Granny and Bud and a day in the sun with Mum and Dad

05 Jul

Cameron spent the afternoon with Granny and Bud on Saturday. He went to the park, helped Bud BBQ, water the plants and he played with his trains 🙂 Brett and I went out for dinner and to the pictures – it was a nice night.

Yesterday Cameron and I went to visit one of my friends, Caroline. Cameron had a ball and did not want to leave… Caroline has a lovely black lab and Cameron was playing catch with it. We didn’t do much in the afternoon, but the big news was at bedtime…Cameron asked to sleep in his big boy bed! He went in, put the blanket on himself and that was it! It took him about 20mins or so to fall asleep, but he stayed in the bed and fell asleep all by himself. He slept straight through and came in to get me in the morning! We’ll see if it was a one off or if it happens again tonight!

He has also decided that he doesn’t need to sit in a booster seat at the dinner table – so he doesn’t and it works well. He stays in his chair, easts with us and asks to get down when he is finished. Brett and I sometimes feel like he knows more than us!

We spent the day in the sun today. It was really hot today, so we blew up the little pool we got Cameron (Brett and I can sit in it too) and we all spent the afternoon in the water playing! It was great.

Cameron has a doctor’s appointment tomorrow – just to make sure everything is alright after him having that stomach bug thing…then we will spend the afternoon at the park (maybe depending on the weather) and then we are going to Granny and Bud’s for a BBQ because Bob and Uncle Stewart (and Stewart’s friend Shaun) are up for a golf tournament on Wednesday.


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Posted by on July 5, 2010 in Uncategorized


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