Fun at the park…

03 Jul

So, Cameron and I spent the day yesterday at the park. He had a ball. We went to the park near my mum and dad’s (Stewart and I used to go there when we were kids). It’s a great park – 2 different play structures, swings and a pool. We arrived at 10 and played in the park for a few hours. Cameron must have run at least 1km! He ran around the baseball diamond at least 3 times – we were flying his Buzz Lightyear kite – and then he must have run the length of the park at least 3 times! All the time me trying to chase him down!
We headed over to the pool. He had a great time, although wasn’t too happy when he had to get out for chlorine time – he also wasn’t too happy when we had to leave to go home!
Cameron loves to be outside – hopefully we will be getting our fence done sometime in the next 2 weeks – we can’t wait….
Didn’t get a chance to take any photos as I was too busy running around after him, but will get some next time we go 🙂
Cameron is at Granny and Bud’s this afternoon and tonight so Brett and I are off out for dinner and a movie….

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Posted by on July 3, 2010 in Uncategorized


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