Canada Day 2010

01 Jul

It has been a while since my last post…I plan on getting back to posting – promise 🙂

Cameron is doing well. He had a bit of a tummy thing for a couple of weeks – let’s just put it this way, there were a lot of diaper changes happening!

He continues to keep us very busy. He NEVER stops! He is talking a lot more and we are understanding a lot more too!

He is a little actor or cracker as some might say. He has started pretending to fall down the stairs -he goes down all the stairs no problem, gets to the bottom steps, sits down on it and then very carefully lies down on the floor – once there he pretends to cry! He calls on granny or mummy, we ask if he fell, he says yeah, we ask if he needs a kiss better, he says yeah, you get to him and he gets up and runs away (he does this more to granny than me!) he thinks it is great!

What else…everything is MINE…he is very good at sharing, but thinks everything is his…he doesn’t grab (too often) but he likes to let you know that what you have is his!

His napping is not as good as it once was. We are trying no nap in the day and early to bed – this of course means early to rise, but it is what it is!

He had a great day today with me and Bud (aka Grandpa) at Andrew Hayden Park – Canada Day Celebrations-

Not much else to report right now…oh we are trying to get Cameron into the “big boy bed” Attempt #1 yesterday was not successful, but we will persevere…

Looking forward to a fun filled summer – Cameron is registered for gymnastics and music lessons throughout the summer so I am sure I will have lots of stories and photos!

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Posted by on July 1, 2010 in Uncategorized


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