Monthly Archives: June 2010

Oh dear…the twos are here with signs of a little temper….

So, really Cameron is still doing really well, and for the most part he is a great wee boy, but man there are moments when he’s not so wonderful!!! I know I was a cheeky wee bee (or so I am told – not that I believe it) so I guess it is coming back to haunt me!
He is absolutely obsessed with ToyStory – especially Buzz – he loves to wear his Buzz tops and pjs, so much so that he gets upset when he has to take them off….It is kinda cute, but somewhat trying in the mornings!
He is talking a lot more and he is put sentences together…
Not much else is new, just thought I should document the loveliness that are Cameron’s trying moments 🙂

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Posted by on June 8, 2010 in Uncategorized