Where has the time gone

26 May

I can’t believe how long it has been since my last post.

March – we moved house, not far from where we were, but closer to lots of things and a brand new house. the move went well, although there were many ‘hiccups’ along the way, but things are good now…
Robert finished the basement for us so we now spend all our time down there – especially with the 42 degree weather we are having right now.

April – Emily’s birthday .
We went to Milton to celebrate Emily’s birthday – Cameron and Emily had a great time together…it was a fun filled weekend.

May – Cameron’s birthday and Mum and Dad’s 40th wedding anniversary. We hosted parties for both – the same weekend. It was busy, but great. Cameron had a ball, and he and Emily have really started playing together – very cute. Mum and Dad were completely surprised with their party – another great day.

Cameron is doing well. Just got over another ear infection! He has definitely become a terrible two toddler! He’s not that bad, but he has started to ‘test’ us. No is his favorite word! and there have been many tantrums too!

He has started saying much more that we can understand, and he is starting to put sentences together. He can say Granny and calls Grampa Bud…very cute…
stewart is uncle
kate is a variation of kate
emily is emily
christine is different every time
dada is sometime brett, and sometimes dad, but mostly dada
i’m mama, and sometimes mum – he tries gillian,but it just gets muddled up
he can count to 2 and then from 5 up to 10 – refuses to do 3 or 4
He is a lot of fun and loves to play with everyone.

Had his check up a few weeks ago – 3feet1 – off the charts for his height. 32lbs – just above average for weight. He is happy and healthy so we are doing something right.

have kept up to date with photos….

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Posted by on May 26, 2010 in Uncategorized


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