Christmas 2009

30 Dec

It has been a while since our last post…everything is good, just busy!

Cameron is doing really well. He has grown again – not sure how much, just know that trousers that fit him 2 weeks ago are too short for him this week!

His language continues to imporve every day….He adds to his list of words every day. He is as cheecky as ever and enjoying every minute of the holidays.

Aunt Christine and Bob (Cameron’s new favourite word) came up Christmas Eve – we all went to visit Carol and Hugh (been told to stop saying Aunt and Uncle – makes Hugh feel old!) – we had a great visit and Cameron had a great time showing off!  Christmas Day was great – we had a not too early start – 7am – Brett and I were up first then Cameron! We were at Mum and Dad’s…Cameron played Santa and did a great job. He was spoiled by everyone. He loved his new cars and had a great day his family. We went out for dinner and he was great.

Stewart, Kate and Emily come up on Saturday – we went down to Mum and Dad’s on Sunday and the chaos began!  Emily and Cameron had a great time together…they went crazy on more than one occaison! Cameron spent most of his time following Uncle Stewart around …. It was fun watching them play together and get along – most of the time. Emily is able to say Cameron so she was shouting for him when she wanted him to play with her. Cameron doesn’t quite have the full name down right now – Emily is  Em. They were both very cute together…. We will be celebrating British New Year’s – more to report then!


Posted by on December 30, 2009 in Uncategorized


2 responses to “Christmas 2009

  1. jenandjohn

    January 9, 2010 at 22:15

    Sounds like a nice Christmas – nice to see Cameraon spreading some xmas joy! Christmas with little ones is so much fun.

    The aunt and uncle comment made me laugh. I remember when Leah and Emma were born Bonnie started calling herself Great Auntie Bonnie. It wasn’t log before the great part was dropped 😉

  2. jenandjohn

    January 9, 2010 at 22:15

    i can spell your sons name – honestly!!


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