Daily Archives: October 11, 2009

A few weeks in the life of Cameron Walker

 So, Cameron has finished antibiotics and survi ved his first ear infection. He is back to ‘normal’. His appetite is back and his energy level is back to ‘crazy’! He is doing really well. He has started to ‘sing’ in bed, in the car and when he is walking around the house. Brett got him a guitar, so he plays it every day and is pretty good at understanding how it works as well as what to do with it. Once he figured out NOT to sit on it!

He has started to jump – not always sucessfully. He some times tries to jump but his feet don’t leave the ground! He also loves to dance. He goes around in circles and waves his hands – very cute.

He is repeating everything we say – it might not sound exactly ‘right’ but we know what he is saying.

His vocabulary consists of (that he says all the time and we know what  he is saying) : no, up, on, all done, mama, dada, gumpa (grampa), ball, bottle, ta, Angie, Alex, Duncan, more, i got it, Thomas, Harold, Gordon, Mavis, car, book, cookie, cracker, juice…

We went to the soccer yesterday…Cameron was great. He sat for the first half and then walked up and down in the stands. He was dancing to the chanting from the fans, looking at the pretty ladies and flirting with them and then he ran up and down the pitch a few times – he had a great time.

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Posted by on October 11, 2009 in Uncategorized