Monthly Archives: October 2009

October fun…

Well it has been a busy few weeks. Cameron has now recovered from his second ear infection.

He has had a lot going on the past few weeks. We had a visit from Stewart, Kate and Emily and Cameron had a ball. He loved running around with Emily and playing with Uncle Stewart. Not to mention kicking Auntie Kate off the couch (it was pretty funny – no one was hurt). As the weekend went on though Cameron ended up with a few minor injuries. He runs everywhere he goes and some times doesn’t see walls, people, chairs etc. All that to say he ran into the wall and is now sporting a nice shiner!

To say that he is a cheecky monkey is an understatement! He is a cheecky wee bee! He loves to do things that he is not meant to (touching Granny’s glass table, Granny’s plants, standing on Granny’s couch etc. ) and then laughing and waiting for someone to ‘get’ him. He loves it!

A few funny things – apart from the Kate couch incident…

He ran into the chair at Granny’s and she kissed his head better…he then went back to the chair and very softly put his head against the chair, fake cried and went to Granny to get another kiss!

He pushes anyone who is infront of the fridge out of the way so he can get at the grapes – he LOVES grapes!

He has figured out that sticking his finger up his nose gets a reaction so he does it all the time!

Emily came out of the back room without a diaper on- Cameron had a little inspection, went back into the back room, got a diaper, brought it to Kate and lead Emily over to her so that she could get her diaper on (Emily that is) it was very cute!

Things that he is doing and saying:

He is eating really well with both a fork and spoon,

He has almost mastered jumping,

He stomps, and turns around in circles (aka dancing)

He can ask for what he wants – usually pointing and a lot of sounds/words,

He knows his animal noises and his body parts,

He has started ‘counting’ – we count to five (on our hand) and then chase him, so now he makes noises (counting) and points out each finger.

He is doing really well and has been enjoying all the Halloween parties he has been at this week (see flickr)

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Posted by on October 30, 2009 in Uncategorized


A few weeks in the life of Cameron Walker

 So, Cameron has finished antibiotics and survi ved his first ear infection. He is back to ‘normal’. His appetite is back and his energy level is back to ‘crazy’! He is doing really well. He has started to ‘sing’ in bed, in the car and when he is walking around the house. Brett got him a guitar, so he plays it every day and is pretty good at understanding how it works as well as what to do with it. Once he figured out NOT to sit on it!

He has started to jump – not always sucessfully. He some times tries to jump but his feet don’t leave the ground! He also loves to dance. He goes around in circles and waves his hands – very cute.

He is repeating everything we say – it might not sound exactly ‘right’ but we know what he is saying.

His vocabulary consists of (that he says all the time and we know what  he is saying) : no, up, on, all done, mama, dada, gumpa (grampa), ball, bottle, ta, Angie, Alex, Duncan, more, i got it, Thomas, Harold, Gordon, Mavis, car, book, cookie, cracker, juice…

We went to the soccer yesterday…Cameron was great. He sat for the first half and then walked up and down in the stands. He was dancing to the chanting from the fans, looking at the pretty ladies and flirting with them and then he ran up and down the pitch a few times – he had a great time.

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Posted by on October 11, 2009 in Uncategorized