Monthly Archives: September 2009

Center of attention…

So, Cameron was back to normal at Angie’s this week – no tears, just the usual bye bye mama and he took off to the playroom 🙂

Cameron has been the center of attention all weekend – with Aunt Christine, Aunt Laura, Aunt Carol and Uncle Hugh and Granny and Grampa playing with him all weekend. Cameron has LOVED it.  He has been showing everyone his muscles, showing off his belly button, singing, laughing, dancing, running around everywhere – he had a ball!

Not much else to report really…all is well  –  new photos of flickr.

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Posted by on September 27, 2009 in Uncategorized


Cheeky monkey…

So, Cameron is doing well.  He is still likes going to Angie’s although he has cried 2 days this week when I dropped him off – not going to lie, it was nice to know he didn’t want me to leave 🙂 

I picked him up the other day and Angie was telling me how well he was doing going down the stairs on his belly – wee so and so…he had never gone down the stairs for us. We were trying to get him to do it, but he would just lie down on his belly at the top of the stairs and wait for one of us to get him – and here he is at Angie’s going down them all by himself! Needless to say he is now going down our stairs by himself too!!

I don’t don’t know where the time has gone or what we have been doing…Cameron and I spent the Saturday with Aunt Carol, Uncle Hugh and Laura – we all had a great time together. Cameron loved it – center of attention- he was a was a cheeky monkey! Just his usual self!

Mum came back from Milton on Tuesday and brought with her Cameron’s Hallowe’en costume – see flickr 🙂

Laura is here for another week so we will be spending some more time with her and Aunt Christine and Robert are up this weekend so Cameron will be lovin’ it…

We are all doing well and adapting to life as we know now it!

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Posted by on September 20, 2009 in Uncategorized



Well, we survived my first week back at work and Cameron’s first week at Angie’s.  We knew Cameron was going to be okay, but really he loves going to Angie’s. Every morning he says bye bye mama and he is off to play with the other kid. Friday morning he said bye bye mama and closed the door behind him! Wee begger! And then on Friday afternoon Mum came with me to pick Cameron up, he did his usual shouted Mama and started running towards me then he got a glimpse of Granny and he ran by me to her!

I went to Toronto on the weekend to see the Killers with Aunt Christine. The concert was great and it was great to spend some time with Aunt Christine and Bob. Popped in on the Mackies in Milton and they are all doing well. Emily is getting big and can pull some great faces! She can get very angry and has the cutest angry face!

Cameron hasn’t been himself the last couple of days. He was really clingy the weekend and then Monday night he was up most of it, with a fever. He seems to have the last of his molars coming in. He was better today and almost back to ‘normal’.

Not much planned for the rest of the week or the weekend. Cameron starts swimming lessons on Saturday – Grampa is taking him- and then we are going to watch Carleton’s first home games.

So, all is well…check out new flickr photos!

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Posted by on September 9, 2009 in Uncategorized