Cameron’s new adventures (our’s too!)

30 Aug

So, it all starts tomorrow – I am back at school (no kids till Tuesday) and Cameron is at Angie’s (our caregiver).
Cameron went to Angie’s on Wednesday, with me, and LOVED it. He played outside with the other kids (3 boys and 1 girl). He didn’t want to leave. Then he spend the whole day on Thursday at Angie’s while I went to work – should mention that Brett is at work during the day too 🙂 -. He had a great day with Angie. He left me at the door, said bye bye and ran off to play with the other kids. We picked him up in the afternoon and we were both really pleased that he smiled when he saw us, ran up to us and gave us both a kiss and a cuddle!
Cameron is doing really well – he is running around all over the place. He gives kisses and cuddles to us quite often. He flirts with any lady he can! He plays well with his toys – building blocks, trains etc. He likes to read his books, and he has started to ‘colour’ a bit. He is ‘talking’ more and more each day. – okay, more, night night, grampa, thank you, up, mama, dada, all gone and …..NO! He has started to ‘sing’ and still loves to dance!
Our new favourite thing that he does – he shows us his muscles!we will keep everyone posted on the adventures of Master Walker…

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Posted by on August 30, 2009 in Uncategorized


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