Daily Archives: May 31, 2009

Another busy week in the life of Cameron Walker

Cameron is doing great. He has had another 2 teeth come through – on top. He hasn’t been too bad, but he has had a few Tempra moments 🙂

He continues to eat well and has added a few more things to his list of foods:

pears, strawberries, veggie burger, ravioli, baked beans and a ham and cheese subway sandwich!  This brings me to the cheekiness that is Cameron Walker.

Friday, night Mum was up at ours (I had physio and Brett was helping Dad run a bbq and bar at a soccer tournament). Mum and I decided to have Subway for supper. Cameron had had is supper – veggie burger, potato and green beans and yogurt. Anyway, we were eating and Cameron decided he wanted to try some of Mum’s sandwich – he pulled it away from her and took a huge bite! You had to be there maybe, but it was really funny!

Keeping with the theme of cheekiness – Cameron, knows when he shouldn’t be doing something – he checks to see if you are watching and either way he does what he isn’t meant to do and laughs!

He also ‘runs away’ when you go to get him for nap time. As soon as Mum puts the music on in Cameron’s room (at my Mum and Dad’s) he starts to scream and crawls away from her! Too funny!

What else…he has started dancing – he moves his knees and now also shakes his shoulders – it is really cute and very funny.

He likes sneezes. He laughs none stop if you sneeze. We have been pretending to sneeze and he know does the same thing and thinks it is hilarious!

He can now drink out of his sippy cup, although we still have to hold it for him sometimes…He gets his bottle in the morning and his bottle at night before bed and the rest of the day he drinks his milk and water.

He has also started to walk by himself. He is standing alone and then just taking off. He has gone from one end of the basement to the other – by himself , without us ‘making’ him.

He is doing really well. We are all doing well.

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Posted by on May 31, 2009 in Uncategorized