Daily Archives: May 24, 2009

lots of new things again this week…

Well Cameron has had another busy week full of lots of new things.

The biggest new thing – he has started walking! Last night he decided to start standing alone for quite a bit – we figured about 30-40 seconds and then out of nowhere he decided to start walking. He went about 10 steps all by himself! And now he will walk to you (one of us at one end of the room the other at the other room) not holding on to anything! It’s great! He is so proud of himself! We will try our best to get a video of him…

Cameron has also mastered climbing up the stairs – he loves doing it! We just follow behind him and he makes his way all the way to the top of the top floor. It makes it much easier for us too…not having to lug 26lbs up the stairs!!

Yesterday we went to see Thomas the Tank Engine (at St Laurent Shopping Center) . It was a good show for older kids, but not the greatest for someone as young as Cameron (hard to see the stage), although he did ‘dance’ to the music. He still loves Thomas and stops everything when he hears the music!

We got a webcam yesterday so we could talk to Brett’s mum and dad and so they can see Cameron. It is great- they were able to see him walk this morning and he was crawling around and being his usual busy self.

Cameron is busy! He is all over the place – crawling and walking (holding on to the furniture) he almost never stops!

He also started dancing…wiggles his bum and bends his knees. He has also started to shake his shoulders -it is really cute!

New foods:

watermelon, cornbeef, ribena popsicles, goldfish (crackers), eggs (scrambled) and I’m sure there will be more to add to the list this week!

Brett is enjoying his new job and I am getting back into the swing of things.

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Posted by on May 24, 2009 in Uncategorized