Another good week

17 May

Well I survived another week at work:-) Actually, I have nice kids in my classes so it’s been a good start back. Cameron is doing well and adjusting fine to getting up early and staying at granny andgrampa’s during the day. He has been good for them and hasn’t given them much hassle…

Cameron has 2 more teeth coming in – 2 top molars- one on each side.

He got his shots on Monday and didn’t have any reaction so we were all happy about that.

He has a few more first to his list of foods:

carrots (baby and big ones too),

broccoli – not a real fan yet


bbq chicken – grampa’s bbq chicken –

jello – orange

french toast

grill cheese

kraft dinner


and the way things are going we will be adding something new every day!

Cameron continues to crawl everywhere including up the stairs. He is walking holding on to everything and at times stands alone for seconds….we don’t think it will be too long before we are chasing him around…

All is well.

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Posted by on May 17, 2009 in Uncategorized


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