Where has the time gone?

11 May

I can’t believe that it has been so long since my last post…and I can’t believe that Cameron is now 1 year old, I am back at work, spring is here and summer is on its way…

So much has happened in the last month.

Cameron has gone from his commando crawl to full on crawling – at some speed, I must add. His legs sometimes go faster than his arms and he ends up doing a face plant! He is everywhere, very quickly and is loving being mobile!

He is also ‘walking’ a lot more. He manges to move around most rooms holding on to whatever he can get his hands on for balance – it can be a chair, a table, a desktop, your leg, your bum, your arm – anything! He can also walk holding on to only one arm. He loves to be standing and often will simply stand and laugh.
He has started ‘dancing’ when he hears Thomas. He still loves Thomas. We are going to take him to see Thomas in 2 weeks – Thomas is visiting Ottawa….

Cameron has had a few rough nights and days with teething – his 2 molars are now in – they are huge and no wonder he wasn’t in a good mood!

The new teeth have help Cameron try new teeth…he has tried lots of new foods :
green beans – he loves green beans
I’m sure there is more, just can’t remember. He tries anything we are having and for the most part he likes it.
oh yes, birthday cake!

Cameron had a great birthday…unfortunately, the Mackies from Milton were unable to make the trip up to Ottawa (they have all been sick). Aunt Christine, Robert, Aunt Carol and Uncle Hugh came to Caemron’s party and of coarse Granny and Grampa too.
It was a really nice afternoon – Cameron was very good -no melt downs and no tears – he loved uncle hugh this time. Cameron was sitting on Hugh’s for ages…

Cameron was spoiled by everyone and was loving all the attention.
He had a great time in his new wagon from Nana and Grandad (Walker) and he got lots of lovely outfits and books. He also got some great toys and lots of Thomas so he was very happy. Kate spent ages making Cameron a lovely name (Cameron) piece to hang up on his wall in his room (see picture in flickr)

Cameron has also started waving and saying ‘bye bye’ when you say it to him.
And so far one of the funniest things he does is shake his little musical car and waits for whoever is there to sing “the bluebells are blue” and then he laughs!

Everything is going really well and we all -Mum and Dad included- survived my first week back at work. It was weird not staying home and spending the day with Cameron and it felt like I had never been away from school, but everything seems to have fallen into place and no one seems too tramatized by the change.

I’m sure I will remember something else once I save and post this, but….
Check out the birthday pictures on flickr šŸ™‚

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Posted by on May 11, 2009 in Uncategorized


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