Monthly Archives: May 2009

Another busy week in the life of Cameron Walker

Cameron is doing great. He has had another 2 teeth come through – on top. He hasn’t been too bad, but he has had a few Tempra moments 🙂

He continues to eat well and has added a few more things to his list of foods:

pears, strawberries, veggie burger, ravioli, baked beans and a ham and cheese subway sandwich!  This brings me to the cheekiness that is Cameron Walker.

Friday, night Mum was up at ours (I had physio and Brett was helping Dad run a bbq and bar at a soccer tournament). Mum and I decided to have Subway for supper. Cameron had had is supper – veggie burger, potato and green beans and yogurt. Anyway, we were eating and Cameron decided he wanted to try some of Mum’s sandwich – he pulled it away from her and took a huge bite! You had to be there maybe, but it was really funny!

Keeping with the theme of cheekiness – Cameron, knows when he shouldn’t be doing something – he checks to see if you are watching and either way he does what he isn’t meant to do and laughs!

He also ‘runs away’ when you go to get him for nap time. As soon as Mum puts the music on in Cameron’s room (at my Mum and Dad’s) he starts to scream and crawls away from her! Too funny!

What else…he has started dancing – he moves his knees and now also shakes his shoulders – it is really cute and very funny.

He likes sneezes. He laughs none stop if you sneeze. We have been pretending to sneeze and he know does the same thing and thinks it is hilarious!

He can now drink out of his sippy cup, although we still have to hold it for him sometimes…He gets his bottle in the morning and his bottle at night before bed and the rest of the day he drinks his milk and water.

He has also started to walk by himself. He is standing alone and then just taking off. He has gone from one end of the basement to the other – by himself , without us ‘making’ him.

He is doing really well. We are all doing well.

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Posted by on May 31, 2009 in Uncategorized


lots of new things again this week…

Well Cameron has had another busy week full of lots of new things.

The biggest new thing – he has started walking! Last night he decided to start standing alone for quite a bit – we figured about 30-40 seconds and then out of nowhere he decided to start walking. He went about 10 steps all by himself! And now he will walk to you (one of us at one end of the room the other at the other room) not holding on to anything! It’s great! He is so proud of himself! We will try our best to get a video of him…

Cameron has also mastered climbing up the stairs – he loves doing it! We just follow behind him and he makes his way all the way to the top of the top floor. It makes it much easier for us too…not having to lug 26lbs up the stairs!!

Yesterday we went to see Thomas the Tank Engine (at St Laurent Shopping Center) . It was a good show for older kids, but not the greatest for someone as young as Cameron (hard to see the stage), although he did ‘dance’ to the music. He still loves Thomas and stops everything when he hears the music!

We got a webcam yesterday so we could talk to Brett’s mum and dad and so they can see Cameron. It is great- they were able to see him walk this morning and he was crawling around and being his usual busy self.

Cameron is busy! He is all over the place – crawling and walking (holding on to the furniture) he almost never stops!

He also started dancing…wiggles his bum and bends his knees. He has also started to shake his shoulders -it is really cute!

New foods:

watermelon, cornbeef, ribena popsicles, goldfish (crackers), eggs (scrambled) and I’m sure there will be more to add to the list this week!

Brett is enjoying his new job and I am getting back into the swing of things.

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Posted by on May 24, 2009 in Uncategorized


Another good week

Well I survived another week at work:-) Actually, I have nice kids in my classes so it’s been a good start back. Cameron is doing well and adjusting fine to getting up early and staying at granny andgrampa’s during the day. He has been good for them and hasn’t given them much hassle…

Cameron has 2 more teeth coming in – 2 top molars- one on each side.

He got his shots on Monday and didn’t have any reaction so we were all happy about that.

He has a few more first to his list of foods:

carrots (baby and big ones too),

broccoli – not a real fan yet


bbq chicken – grampa’s bbq chicken –

jello – orange

french toast

grill cheese

kraft dinner


and the way things are going we will be adding something new every day!

Cameron continues to crawl everywhere including up the stairs. He is walking holding on to everything and at times stands alone for seconds….we don’t think it will be too long before we are chasing him around…

All is well.

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Posted by on May 17, 2009 in Uncategorized


12 month check up

Cameron had his 12 month check up this morning…

Everything is good. He is doing really well and the doctor said to keep doing what we were doing as he was coming along really well and he is strong and healthy.

So, Cameron now weighs 26lbs and measures 78cm (31inches). He has 10 teeth and is doing all that he should be and more.

Nothing else to report right now – all is well.

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Posted by on May 11, 2009 in Uncategorized


Where has the time gone?

I can’t believe that it has been so long since my last post…and I can’t believe that Cameron is now 1 year old, I am back at work, spring is here and summer is on its way…

So much has happened in the last month.

Cameron has gone from his commando crawl to full on crawling – at some speed, I must add. His legs sometimes go faster than his arms and he ends up doing a face plant! He is everywhere, very quickly and is loving being mobile!

He is also ‘walking’ a lot more. He manges to move around most rooms holding on to whatever he can get his hands on for balance – it can be a chair, a table, a desktop, your leg, your bum, your arm – anything! He can also walk holding on to only one arm. He loves to be standing and often will simply stand and laugh.
He has started ‘dancing’ when he hears Thomas. He still loves Thomas. We are going to take him to see Thomas in 2 weeks – Thomas is visiting Ottawa….

Cameron has had a few rough nights and days with teething – his 2 molars are now in – they are huge and no wonder he wasn’t in a good mood!

The new teeth have help Cameron try new teeth…he has tried lots of new foods :
green beans – he loves green beans
I’m sure there is more, just can’t remember. He tries anything we are having and for the most part he likes it.
oh yes, birthday cake!

Cameron had a great birthday…unfortunately, the Mackies from Milton were unable to make the trip up to Ottawa (they have all been sick). Aunt Christine, Robert, Aunt Carol and Uncle Hugh came to Caemron’s party and of coarse Granny and Grampa too.
It was a really nice afternoon – Cameron was very good -no melt downs and no tears – he loved uncle hugh this time. Cameron was sitting on Hugh’s for ages…

Cameron was spoiled by everyone and was loving all the attention.
He had a great time in his new wagon from Nana and Grandad (Walker) and he got lots of lovely outfits and books. He also got some great toys and lots of Thomas so he was very happy. Kate spent ages making Cameron a lovely name (Cameron) piece to hang up on his wall in his room (see picture in flickr)

Cameron has also started waving and saying ‘bye bye’ when you say it to him.
And so far one of the funniest things he does is shake his little musical car and waits for whoever is there to sing “the bluebells are blue” and then he laughs!

Everything is going really well and we all -Mum and Dad included- survived my first week back at work. It was weird not staying home and spending the day with Cameron and it felt like I had never been away from school, but everything seems to have fallen into place and no one seems too tramatized by the change.

I’m sure I will remember something else once I save and post this, but….
Check out the birthday pictures on flickr 🙂

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Posted by on May 11, 2009 in Uncategorized