
21 Apr

Well not too much has happened since my last post. Cameron is doing well. He is still teething – the two molars seem to be through and now it is just the eye teeth that are still working their way down and up. He has had a few rough moments with very red cheecks, but he isn’t really too bad.

We took Cameron to the Experimental Farm last week – it was a beautiful day, so we thought we would make the most of it. He is still a bit too young to fully appreciate the animals at the farm, but he seemed to enjoy himself. He saw cows, calfs, horses, pigs, sheep, and rabbits. He did really well until one of the cows vered towards him and then he wasn’t too happy about being there….

Cameron and the cows

Cameron and the cows

Cameron and I went to a house warming on Saturday afternoon (a girl I work with) and Brett stayed home for a nap – he was working nights on Saturday. Anyway, it was a good afternoon and Cameron was really good. He enjoyed playing with Nate and chatting up all the lovely ladies! At one point he was sitting on Christina’s lap with his arm around her neck and he was ‘chatting’ away to her – it was hilarious!

Cameron has mastered the comando frog crawl and has started crawling (like normal kids) but he hasn’t mastered it yet so the comando crawl is still quicker.

He has also started to pull himself up on the couch and anything else he can get a grip on.

His newest thing is smiling for the camera…it is hilarious…he scrunches up his face and squints his eyes. He does it on comand though -check out video on flickr.

So, I head back to work in 2 wks (May4th) -should be interesting.

We are celebrating Cameron’s birthday next Saturday (May2nd). Nothing too big, just family and a cake really. Will post more after that 🙂

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Posted by on April 21, 2009 in Uncategorized


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