Monthly Archives: July 2008

A busy week…

We had a great week last week…

 Brett got a ‘guitar’ for his birthday, and Cameron wanted a shot.

Monday :

Cameron was 11 weeks old on Monday. He is doing really well. We are getting smiles all the time now, and he is starting to ‘talk’ a bit more. He has lots of new noises he makes. He is trying desperately to get his thumb into his mouth to suck. He has started to grab the toys on his chair and he gets excited – throwing his arms back and kicking his legs. He is doing really well.


Not much happened…Brett and I got ourselves ready for our visitors…


Stewart, Kate, Emily and Phil arrived. The boys and Myret went to the Rangers Club for the weekly BBQ. Kate, Emily, Cameron and myself stayed at Mum’s for dinner and a nice quiet visit. We then headed up the road and Stewart, Brett and Phil were home not long after us.  We sat up, had a chat and a good laugh.

 Emily is great! She smiles all the time, gets excited and kicks like crazy, and as Kate says – she’s a maniac…she ‘talks’ all the time and it at time is a high pitched scream. It’s hilarious! She is a very happy wee girl 🙂


Not much was done during the day, but Kate and I went out for dinner with my ‘running’ friends. Emily and Cameron were on their best behaviour and it was a good night out.

 Cathy and Cameron.

 Amanda and Cameron

Yvonne will have to get her photo taken with Cameron next time – he had a bit of a melt down and then passed out so…


Aunt Christine and Robert arrived today.

We picked up our new car (Hyundia Tuscon – our lease was up on the old car) and then we headed down to Mum and Dad’s for a BBQ.

It was a great night – Peter, Linda, Steve, Karon, Janet and Iain were all there. The kids were good and everyone was enjoying passing them around.

Phil was his usual self, desperate to get a bit of sun…

 Those of you who know Phil will know that this is a typical holiday pose for Phil! 🙂


Myret turned 70 on Saturday, so we (Brett and I) hosted a birthday party for her, and for Brett as well (he was 30 on Sunday).

As usual it was a good night – we all had a good laugh.

 I always get them something silly to wear, so this year it was a button and a crown.


Brett’s birthday…and Myret and Phil returned home…


Cameron was 12 weeks old and we did absolutely nothing!

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Posted by on July 30, 2008 in Uncategorized


Same old, same old

There isn’t much new to report…Cameron is doing really well. We think he is having anther growth spurt as he is constantly stretching and has been sleeping a bit more these days. It’s hard to believe that he is 11 weeks tomorrow! He is ‘talking’ a bit more now and gives smiles all the time, it’s just trying to capture them on film which is hard. The other day he was sitting in his chair, talking to his pig, cow and lamb. He was smiling away and giggling, as soon as I brought out the camera he stopped! Trust me though it was cute!

Brett, Aunt Myret and I went to a baseball game on Tuesday night. It was pretty good – although our team got beat!

 Myret…what is there to say about her choice of seat!

Mum, Dad, Myret, Brett, Cameron and I went out for dinner last night, and Cameron was great. He sat in his pram and looked around, nodded off a couple of times and was perfect!

So, it is going to be a busy week this week. Stewart, Kate, Emily and Phil (Stewart’s friend from Scotland) are coming up on Wednesday. Aunt Christine and Robert are coming up (not sure when) too. Kate and I are going out for dinner on Thursday night, Mum and Dad are having a BBQ on Friday night, we are having a BBQ on Saturday night – Aunt Myret’s birthday is on Saturday (70) and Brett’s is on Sunday (30) and then Aunt Myret and Phil go home on Sunday….

So, no doubt there will be more photos and stories to tell in my next post 🙂

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Posted by on July 21, 2008 in Uncategorized


Wolves supporters….

Miriam and Alf (Nan and Grandad Walker) sent over a Wolves strip for Cameron and a jersey for Brett. Cameron’s is a bit big, but we couldn’t resist putting it on him for a few photos. 🙂

 Yet again, Cameron spit up on Brett’s Wolves jersey. Seems anything English is bound to get spit up on it…not that I am saying anything, but Cameron doesn’t spit up on his Rangers strip or any Scottish jerseys!

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Posted by on July 15, 2008 in Uncategorized


A big boy…

So the past week has been quite busy…

Cameron had a doctor’s appointment on Tuesday. He got his first set of shots, and did quite well. I was more upset than he was, although we both had tears! Brett was working so Mum came with me which was great – I don’t know if I could have done it alone. Cameron didn’t have any reaction to the shots (no fever etc.) but we gave him a bit of Tempra just in case – he slept very well on Tuesday!

So, he is a big boy – growing very well and doing just fine.  He now measures 61cm (24inches, 3 inches longer than at birth) so he grew 6cm since he last appointment – one month earlier! The doctor asked if his father was tall…nope. And he now weighs 14.5 lbs!! He is a big boy! He is well above average for all measurements (weight, length and head circumference – 41cm) but not over the top yet. Just checking out the camera!

Cameron is still pretty easy going. He has his fussy moments, usually when he hasn’t had enough sleep, but all in all he is a good boy. He is still sleeping well at night, we always get 6 hours sleep and some nights as much as 8! We are not complaining at all!

He is starting to ‘speak’ more and gives out a lot more smiles, but almost never when there is a camera in sight!

Stewart, Kate and Emily were up for a visit this week. It was great to see them, and so much fun to see Emily and Cameron together.

 Neither of them know what to think of the other…

 We got them both dressed up to try and take a nice photo of the cousins. It went not too badly, we got a couple of good photos of them.

Emily, like Cameron, is doing really well. She has grown a lot since the last time they were up visiting. She ‘talks’ a lot, and seemed to have a lot to say to Brett…She also gives out tonnes of smiles, but never for the camera! 

Her hair remains the same, but longer!

They are all doing well and will be back up in 2 weeks for Brett and Aunt Myret’s birthday.

Aunt Christine and Robert were also up during the week. The boys went golfing on Wednesday, so the ladies, and Cameron, visited for the day -it was nice to see everyone.

Aunt Christine got sunglasses for Emily and Cameron…. Too cute….

 Emily sporting her new glasses…


 Cameron getting ready to head out in the sun…

Brett and I have been out twice in the past 2 weeks. Melissa and Ryan’s wedding and then we went out this Thursday to a double bachlorette’s party (one of my high school friends) which was a great night out. Granny Mackie jumps at the chance to babysit – it’s great!

We don’t have much planned this week…just enjoying the summer and spending time with everyone.

Lots of new photos to check out!

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Posted by on July 12, 2008 in Uncategorized


2 months old…

Brett and I were just talking about how we can’t believe that Cameron is already 2 months old! We have a doctor’s appointment on Tuesday (he gets his first set of shots) so I will have all his stats then… If you have looked at any of the photos it is fair to say that Cameron has grown (out and up) quite a bit in the past month! He is smiling a lot now, and is trying so hard to get his ‘words’ out. He is still a happy boy, although recently he has taken to not sleeping as much in the morning and as such he can some times be a bit grouchy, but all in all he is still a good baby who is happy if his belly is full and his bum is clean! 🙂

We went to Melissa and Ryan’s (2 collegues of mine) wedding yesterday. She was a beautiful bride and she had a lovely day for it…

 Melissa and her Dad.

So, since Brett and I were getting dressed up we thought we would get Cameron dressed up and take a family photo – he wasn’t having any of it! He was a bit tired so there weren’t any great big smiles. We got a couple of photos, but nothing spectacular. We will try again another day.

 Cameron and his Daddy.

 Cameron and his Mummy. (My mum kinda cut my head off)

 The Walkers.

Stewart, Kate and Emily are coming for a visit on Tuesday so we will get some photos of the two cousins together.

Also, Great Aunt Myret is loving being here with Emily and Cameron.

I have posted some more photos and a cracker of a video of Myret ‘entertaining’ Cameron. 🙂

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Posted by on July 6, 2008 in Uncategorized



Cameron was having a wee nap this afternoon…we figure even then he has food on his mind! Check out the video I posted 😉

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Posted by on July 4, 2008 in Uncategorized


Happy Canada Day!

Cameron celebrated is first Canada Day today… It took a lot out of him!

 Thanks to Debi, Mike, Annie and Faye for the great ‘shirt’!

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Posted by on July 1, 2008 in Uncategorized