6 weeks today…

16 Jun

Well, things are still going well.  Our ‘little’ boy is getting big. He is more alert, and awake even more now…it’s great!

Cameron was a bit ‘off’ last week. We think he might have been going through another growth spurt. He seems to have settled down and is back to himself. He is eating well, and sleeping well. He slept for 7 hours the other night (after a long day of being upset – lots of crying and fussing, but once he produced an almighty poo, he was fine). He has been sleeping 4 or 5 hours during the night so we are getting there.

He is making loads of noise – he always looks as if he has something to tell us.  He has given us a few smiles too.

He met his Auntie Laura on Thursday (photos on flickr), Carol-Anne (Laura’s cousin) and he got to see Great Auntie Carol and Great Uncle Hugh again too.

Not much else to report, except that everything is going well and we are all doing great.

1 Comment

Posted by on June 16, 2008 in Uncategorized


One response to “6 weeks today…

  1. jen

    June 16, 2008 at 09:01

    He’s growing so fast. He’s doing really well with the sleeping – lucky you guys.

    And tell Laura she doesn’t look a day over 17…and that’s a compliment!


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