5 weeks old and in his crib….

10 Jun

5 weeks old yesterday – where has the time gone?

Cameron is doing well – his is more and more alert each day. He is also awake more and more each day. He continues to grab things and follow things with his eyes. He is stretching all the time so we think he might be having another growth spurt. He is also making lots of noises – it’s as if he has something very important to tell us. He is doing great.  I have uploaded some more photos….

He has had a few fussy moments – he doesn’t want to go to sleep after his early morning feed – but all in all things are good.

We finally decided to move Cameron from the bassinet in our room to his crib in his own room – it took some convincing (Brett would have him stay in our room for longer, but Cameron is getting too big for the bassinet), but he slept there last night. He did really well – he slept from 12am to 4:45am and we heard him cry when he woke up so everyone is happy!

Not much else to report. Mum and dad get back from Calgary tomorrow.

I was at the doctor’s yesterday – everything is good, I have healed well and everything is ‘back to normal’.

Emily had her first set of shots yesterday and Stewart said she was okay afterwards. She is also doing really well – she is up to 10lbs 6oz and is measuring 57cm. Kate was saying last night that Emily is smiling a lot now and that she is ‘speaking’ to them all the time. I can’t wait to see her again to have a chat….

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Posted by on June 10, 2008 in Uncategorized


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