Monthly Archives: June 2008

Good Morning…

So every morning when we go in to get Cameron he greets us with smiles. We haven’t been able to get a good photo of him smiling -every time we try to take a photo, we’re too slow and the smile is gone. So, this morning I decided to ‘film’ Cameron’s Good Morning routine…As you will see it wasn’t all smiles, but cute all the same…enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚ (I uploaded it on flickr)

On an even funnier note… Every time Brett puts on his England football or England rugby shirt Cameron spits up all over it!! LOL ๐Ÿ™‚

I took a couple of photos this morning…..

Cameron and I were just ‘hangin’ out this morning before going to Granny and Grampa Mackie’s and picking up Brett

ย ย He’s checking out the ‘shapes’ on the unit – there’s the stereo and some picture frames.

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Posted by on June 29, 2008 in Uncategorized


Where does the time go?

It is hard to believe that Cameron was 7 weeks on Monday, and Laura had come and gone and that Aunt Myret had arrived…Where does the time go?

Things here are good. It was great to see Laura – she is doing well and is just the same as always ๐Ÿ™‚ I think she would have snuck Cameron into her hand luggage if she could have gotten away with it!

Laura having one last cuddle before she left, and Cameron having one last look at his Auntie until her next visit.

Although it pained her, Laura brought Cameron over a Rangers strip….

Already a bluenose!

Not much else to report really…

Cameron is doing well. We have had at least 6 hours of sleep every night since the last post with last night being the longest at 8hours. Cameron is still feeding well, and doing all his ‘business’ well and sleeping well. He continues to be more awake during the days which is great.

He has started to smile a bit more – first thing in the morning he always has a big smile when we get him up from his crib.

He has started to grab at things and hold on to them….

He is starting to suck on his fingers, at times it is his whole fist he’s trying to get into his mouth! I think he might be following in my footsteps – a thumb sucker!

He is making more ‘noise’ – and has developed a new high pitched cry when he has gas which is lovely…

In the past two weeks Cameron has been out for lunch with myself and one of my runner friends Cathy, he has been to my staff party and to my department party and he has been an angel at each one.

Brett and I are doing well and enjoying having some time together with Cameron.

Emily, Kate and Stewart are doing well too. Stewart finishes work tomorrow – it is also his 35th birthday!!! Mum, Dad and Myret have gone down to visit them for a few days.

Emily is doing well too… growing, smiling, laughing and ‘talking’. They are all coming up the first week in July – we can’t wait to see them.

Emily’s hair issues remain the same, but Kate is doing her best to tame it – here she is absolutely adorable with her wee purple hair clip.

Think that is it for now…more to come soon….

Have posted more photos….


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Posted by on June 25, 2008 in Uncategorized


6 weeks today…

Well, things are still going well.ย  Our ‘little’ boy is getting big. He is more alert, and awake even more now…it’s great!

Cameron was a bit ‘off’ last week. We think he might have been going through another growth spurt. He seems to have settled down and is back to himself. He is eating well, and sleeping well. He slept for 7 hours the other night (after a long day of being upset – lots of crying and fussing, but once he produced an almighty poo, he was fine). He has been sleeping 4 or 5 hours during the night so we are getting there.

He is making loads of noise – he always looks as if he has something to tell us.ย  He has given us a few smiles too.

He met his Auntie Laura on Thursday (photos on flickr), Carol-Anne (Laura’s cousin) and he got to see Great Auntie Carol and Great Uncle Hugh again too.

Not much else to report, except that everything is going well and we are all doing great.

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Posted by on June 16, 2008 in Uncategorized


5 weeks old and in his crib….

5 weeks old yesterday – where has the time gone?

Cameron is doing well – his is more and more alert each day. He is also awake more and more each day. He continues to grab things and follow things with his eyes. He is stretching all the time so we think he might be having another growth spurt. He is also making lots of noises – it’s as if he has something very important to tell us. He is doing great.ย  I have uploaded some more photos….

He has had a few fussy moments – he doesn’t want to go to sleep after his early morning feed – but all in all things are good.

We finally decided to move Cameron from the bassinet in our room to his crib in his own room – it took some convincing (Brett would have him stay in our room for longer, but Cameron is getting too big for the bassinet), but he slept there last night. He did really well – he slept from 12am to 4:45am and we heard him cry when he woke up so everyone is happy!

Not much else to report. Mum and dad get back from Calgary tomorrow.

I was at the doctor’s yesterday – everything is good, I have healed well and everything is ‘back to normal’.

Emily had her first set of shots yesterday and Stewart said she was okay afterwards. She is also doing really well – she is up to 10lbs 6oz and is measuring 57cm. Kate was saying last night that Emily is smiling a lot now and that she is ‘speaking’ to them all the time. I can’t wait to see her again to have a chat….

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Posted by on June 10, 2008 in Uncategorized


One Month Old…

We are not long back from the doctor’s…Cameron is doing VERY well. The doctor is pleased with his progress. So, since the last time we were at the doctor’s (May 16th) Cameron has grown 4 cm – he’s now 55cm in length. His head has grown 2.5cm – it’s circumference is now 36cm. And his belly has grown…He has put on 2lbs and 15oz – he now weighs 10lbs 8oz…

ย This was taken yesterday – he likes his food!!

Everything is going well and we are just to keep doing what we are doing because Cameron is doing great.

Things that Cameron has started to do:

Yesterday we got our first ‘real’ smile from Cameron – it was not gas induced ๐Ÿ™‚

He is following sounds and shapes,

He grabs and holds onto things,

He contiues to stretch non stop and he still yawns away, now he also groans and grunts when he stretches.

All is very good – he is a happy wee boy and we are both so pleased that he is doing so well.


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Posted by on June 5, 2008 in Uncategorized


Just another week in the life of Cameron Walker….

Things with Cameron are going well. He had been a bit fussy for a couple of days – we changed the nipples on his bottles- we had gone up to the middle flow ones, but they were too quick and he was having a lot of gas- we have since changed them back to the slow flow ones and he is back to himself. He is eating well, and peeing well and pooing well (he is a pooin’ machine) and he is sleeping well. Recently he is more awake during the day, and he usually fusses a little bit at one of his evening feeds – he just wants a cuddle usually- and then he has been having his last feed about 1am and sleeping till about 6am or so – so Brett and are lovin’ it.ย  The first time he slept for 5 hours we both woke up, each of us thinking the other had fed Cameron and not woken us up, but no, he had slept through the night (pretty much) – long may it last ๐Ÿ™‚

Not much else to report really – he is getting bigger every day and is much more alert now. He follows you with his eyes and looks for you when you speak to him. We had him on his gym today and he really liked it. He listened to the music and bashed away at some of the toys.

He is doing great.ย  He is back at the doctor’s on Thursday, so we’ll update his weight and length then. We both think he is definitely over 8lbs, it’s just how close to 9 lbs is the question!!!

Until then…check out the new photos on flickr ๐Ÿ™‚


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Posted by on June 3, 2008 in Uncategorized